Elenco blog personale

martedì 13 novembre 2018

How can a collaborative project help me in my teaching?

Teaching is not an easy job, also because it oscillates between the consciously adopted strategies and established practices and habits, which derive from our character and our experience.
I believe that a right mediation, inspired by common sense, is the right way. 
In teaching I attach great importance to the relationship with the students, towards whom I strive (wishing to succeed) to be authoritative, with episodic encroachments in the maternal (more in the relationship with the individual than with the class group) and in the authoritarian (errare humanum est). 
I believe a lot in the involvement and in the collective participation, the class group that confronts, collaborates, mistakes, corrects, grows, even in moments of verification that become, in this way, verification of the path that the class is making. 
An aspect  I am still not satisfied is the evaluation: I know very well that it is fundamental, both for the pupil's growth and to calibrate our work and adapt it to the needs and needs that emerged, but psychologically I live badly, perhaps because I can not consider it a judgment of the pupil himself, rather than his path, as it should be.

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